How to Optimize Content for Google’s Featured Snippet

Google Featured Snippet Optimization

Google’s Featured Snippet is a powerful feature that helps you rank higher in search results. It can also help you increase your pageviews and traffic from Google Search, which makes it a useful tool for content marketers. However, if you’re not optimizing your content for the Featured Snippet, you may be missing out on some serious SEO benefits. In this post we’ll explain what a Google Featured Snippet is and how to optimize your content for this feature so that you get the most out of it!

What is a Google Featured Snippet?

A Google Featured Snippet is a box of content that appears at the top of your search results. It’s generally a summary of what you’re looking for, but it can also include images or videos if you’ve entered them in your query.

Google chooses which snippets appear based on how relevant they are and how much information the user needs to help them make their decision. This means that if someone searches for “how do I cut onions,” then all sorts of onion-related information will show up as ‘featured snippets’ above other results—but only if those snippets are deemed relevant enough by Google’s algorithm (which we’ll talk about later).

Types Of Google Featured Snippet

Google Featured Snippets can be categorized into three groups:

  • Paragraphs – These are short, organized chunks of text that convey a piece of information.
  • Lists – This type of snippet is usually a bulleted list with subheadings and bullet points. It’s best to include links in the body copy so users can easily navigate through the content and find what they need.
  • Videos – Like paragraphs, videos have an attention-grabbing headline but also provide more detail on how to use your product or service — all in one place!

Featured Snippet Type 1 – Paragraph

The first sentence of your paragraph should be the answer.

If you can’t think of anything good to say in the first sentence, don’t worry! It’s okay if you don’t have an immediate answer. Just make sure that your content is clear, concise and relevant; that it contains no spelling errors or grammatical errors; and that it contains only one idea per sentence (you may want to try using fewer words).

Featured Snippet Type 2 – List

The list item should be in order.

List items should be short and to the point, but not too short. A good rule of thumb is that each list item should have approximately four words or less. If you’re writing a list of 10 items, don’t make it shorter than 5 words each; if you have 30 bullets in your bullet points and they take up half the screen width (which most people do), then that means there are only 15 actual things being said on those pages so far! Make sure what you’re writing isn’t overly long or complicated so readers can quickly get through it without getting bored by all those extra words (and maybe even try reading something else).

Featured Snippet Type 3 – Video

A video snippet is a short, more visual version of your content. They’re usually between 3-5 seconds long and they appear in the SERP when someone searches for “video” or “video tutorial”.

To get this type of snippet, you need to optimize your videos for SEO by using keywords and tags (more on that below). After that, Google will use these keywords as metadata when they index your videos so they show up higher in search results.

If you want to rank well on Google with featured Snippets like this one: “How To Make Your Own Podcasts With Audacity In 5 Minutes Or Less!” then make sure that every keyword phrase has at least 1 video link back from each page where it appears along with enough links throughout their body text so people can find them easily once clicked on – which means linking out from internal links only works if there are no external links pointing elsewhere outside of those pages themselves which makes things more complicated than necessary because many sites have too many internal pages leading nowhere at all except down endless rabbit holes before finding what matters most: relevance!

Follow these strategies to optimize for Google’s Featured Snippets.

  • Target Keywords with High Volume for Featured Snippet

The first step to optimizing your featured snippet is selecting relevant keywords. You can get a good idea of what kind of content your audience searches for by searching for those keyword combinations on Google, Bing or Yahoo! Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

In order to create an optimized featured snippet, you need to target high volume and high commercial intent keywords. These are the ones that are going to drive traffic back to your site.

  • Write clear and concise content.

The first step is making sure your content is written in a way that readers can understand easily. When writing for SEO purposes, it’s important to avoid using jargon or technical terms (unless they’re relevant). It’s also important not only how well you can write but also how well you can tell stories through images or videos instead of just text alone.

  • Use Structured Data Markup

This will help Google understand what your content is and create a rich snippet for it, which means that when someone searches on Google using their mobile or tablet browser (such as Chrome), they can see an optimized version of what you have written that contains relevant information about your topic or product. If there are other sites within the same category as yours, these sites will also appear at the top of SERPs results pages due to their inclusion in this type of markup structure by Google itself!

  • Create article-level content.

You need to create article-level content. If you have more than one article on a page, each should be a separate entity and they should all have unique titles and URLs. For example:

Article 1 – Title: How To Optimize Content For Featured Snippets In Google Search Results

Article 2 – Title: How To Create A Better Headline With Keywords And Descriptive Words In Google Search Results

  • Use subheadings that stand out.

When you’re writing your content, it’s important to keep in mind how Google works. They use the keywords that are most relevant and important to what they show when users search for them. And if those words aren’t bolded and italicized, then they’ll be ignored by Google!

So what does this mean? If you want the most relevant snippet possible on your page (which is why we’re even writing this guide), then make sure that every word on your page stands out by adding bolded subheadings of at least 2-3 lines tall. This helps readers easily identify what they’re reading because they can see all of the major points on each paragraph without having too much text crammed into one spot like other less-important sections might do elsewhere on a site or blog post.”

  • Optimize your images.

Images are a great way to add visual interest and help your content stand out. They can also be used as a call-to-action, so make sure that they’re optimized for Google’s featured snippet!

Use alt text: Your images should include descriptive file names, which are important because they help Google understand what an image is actually showing in the first place. The most common mistake I see is people not adding any description whatsoever when it comes to their images — this makes them harder for people searching on Google Image Search (and other places) to find out more about what they’re looking at without having any idea where else they might look if needed. If possible, try using keywords in each image’s filename as well: “british_airways_747_jet”. This will help you get better CTRs from this keyword phrase; however, don’t overdo it or risk being penalized by Google because of duplicate content issues later down the road!

  • Use data and statistics to back up your claims.

Data and statistics are used to back up claims.

They can be used to support arguments, make a point, prove a point, or support the claim itself. For example:

You want Google to feature your blog post about how you’re going to save the world by raising chickens in your backyard (and eating them). You have data that shows that people like chickens—so much so that they buy more than five billion pounds of chicken annually! This is good news for anyone who wants to eat chicken all day long and never go hungry again.

You also have research showing that people love their pets more than they love themselves or any other person on earth (except maybe their cat), which means there must be something wrong with me if I don’t love my new dog as much as I do my cat!

  • Make sure Google knows what your page is about so that it can choose it for a featured snippet.

If you don’t know what your page is about, it’s going to be hard for Google to choose it for a featured snippet.

To find out what your page is about, use the tag and look at the URL of each page on your site. If most of them include something like “About” or “About Us,” then those will likely be good places for a featured snippet.


We hope that this article has helped you to understand Google’s Featured Snippet. If you want to see your own website featured in the first place, then following these tips will go a long way toward making sure it happens!

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